What We Read This Week: November 11, 2017

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Happy Saturday, and welcome to the first edition of our new blog weekly feature: What We Read This Week. Each week, we’ll share bits and bobs from around the web that 270netters have been reading this week.

I don’t know about you, but the weather around me this week has driven me (regrettably) indoors, snuggled up under cozy blankets with an endless cup of hot coffee next to me. It’s also given me a lot of time to catch up on reading some great informational posts from around the digital marketing realm:

“What To Do After You Press Record: A Formula for Videos People Love” – Content Marketing Institute

Video marketing is hard – you’ve got a little bit of time to get a lot of message out, and so much can go wrong. But because studies show video viewing already makes up about a third of all online activity, and that share will continue to grow, it’s an important medium to learn. Amy from SavvySexySocial (follow her videos – We promise you’ll learn something!) has a brilliant 9-step formula for creating videos people can’t help but watch.

There’s great advice in here for everyone – from marketing professionals to business owners to aspiring vloggers looking to break into video. Check it out, and don’t forget that 8 second rule!

“Countdown to Launch: How to Come Up with Great Testing Ideas”Moz

We think rockets are cool, so we checked this one out. Turns out, there’s some great information in this article. The 6-step test really gets content creators to slow down and think about what they want individual pages on a website to accomplish.

And it doesn’t just work for the words on a page, either. It can be used on every element – graphics, video, links, overall design. This really got our content team thinking about slowing down and talking deeply with all our clients about their business goals.

“The Most Powerful Writing Voice for 21st Century Content”Copyblogger

As a former journalist, it was an adjustment moving into the world of persuasive marketing copywriting. I couldn’t just present all the information in an impartial manner; I had to lead the reader to whatever conclusion I wanted them to take.

This piece in Copyblogger gets to the heart of the balancing act I’ve been playing – juggling authority with vulnerability. This is great advice for anyone learning to write in the current digital climate.

“Paid-Search Trends for 3Q17: Which Devices Are Driving Clicks?”MarketingProfs

We found some really fascinating data on clicks and purchases based on type of device in this article. Year over year, for both Google and Bing, the share of interactions on desktops and tablets has decreased, while mobile continues to grow.

This data will have a big impact on the way we continue to craft pay-per-click ads for our clients, for sure. #mobilefirst!

“Twitter officially expands its character count to 280 starting today” – TechCrunch

This week, Twitter announced it’s expanding its character limits, but not without heavy criticism. This does make things a little easier for our Digital Marketing team, as it doubles the amount of characters we can use in clients’ social media posts. We’re still unsure of how we really feel about this change. Part of the power of Twitter was seeing who could say the most with the fewest characters. Still, we did take the opportunity to have some fun with it:

“The Magic of Harry Potter is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You” – Niantic

This one’s purely for fun and, I’ll admit, I’m excited about it. Niantic, the developers of the viral Pokemon GO mobile game, have announced a similar augmented-reality game featuring the sprawling world of Harry Potter. I, for one, can’t wait to see people walking around casting spells and teaming up to fight wizard-world enemies. The problem here? We have to wait until 2018 for it to be released.

Now that you’ve seen what we’ve been reading this week, tell me: What have you been reading online this week?